Selecting a Pediatric Brain Surgeon: The Top 3 Things to Look At

When selecting or being referred to a pediatric brain surgeon a person can easily feel overwhelmed by the prospect of needing one, making it difficult to know what to look for from this particular type of specialist. We suggest contacting our office for information and help. Anyone living outside of the area may want to use these top methods for researching a prospective doctor:

#1.  Reputation and referrals

A pediatrician will only refer their patients to who they think is a great pediatric brain surgeon. Ideally, a person would have an established trust with their referring doctor and be confident in their advice. A few things a person can and should do to build on that referral are:

  • Ask for more references
  • Read previous patients testimonials
  • Get online and research the surgeon before meeting with them
  • Get in contact with previous patients (specialists of this type often have at least a short list of previous patients that are willing to be contacted by prospective patients and their families in the future)

#2.  Experience and expertise

Pediatric neurology is a highly advanced and specialized field of medicine. However, the reasons for needing a neurologist vary and each brain surgeon will likely have more experience in one area than another. A few things to find out about the doctor in question would be:

  • The length of expertise in their specialty. Some professionals will switch from one practice of medicine to another. A person may have been a doctor for 20 years but only a practicing neurosurgeon for a fourth of that. Finding out the amount of time they have been in their specific field is important.
  • The number of procedures performed. If there is a specific procedure or operation somebody needs an expert for, it is wise to find out how many a surgeon has completed or assisted on that are similar to what the prospective patient needs.
  • Awards and honors. There are many ways in which great achievements in medicine are recognized. We proudly display our accolades and honors and feel a great sense of pride in the work that we have done. An accomplished pediatric neurosurgeon will have the positive recommendations of patients as well as other professionals in medicine.

#3.  Education and training

In addition to seeking out a medical board certified pediatric brain surgeon, a person should also ask about a doctors’ previous education and continuing education. Such as:

  • Medical school attended and their reputation
  • Degrees held, and additional certifications held by the surgeon,
  • Any type of additional training or maintenance of education that the doctor has completed

If a doctor also teaches and trains in his field it is a good sign that they are trusted and well-respected by colleagues. This is important information for future patients to have.

Ultimately, finding the best pediatric brain surgeon is a very important task that is rarely taken lightly. Finding trustworthy and skilled medical professionals is not typically difficult, but getting in to see them might be. So, it is advised that appointments be made and kept in a timely manner, even if a person is just interviewing potential doctors.

Schedule an appointment

If your family lives in the area, we would be happy to answer questions during an in-office consultation.

Dr. Loudon:
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